Drink and be Merry?

Kingsmeadows House, Peebles, in the 20th Century

Sandra Whitnell

Tuesday, 13th February 2024

Eastgate Theatre, Peebles, 7.30 p.m.

Kingsmeadows House, Peebles, has been many things to many people during the last 225 years. Since it was built in 1795 by Sir John Hay, 5th Baronet of Smithfield and Haystoun, it has been a home, office, hospital, offices, and more. How did changes in the local and wider world affect the residents of Kingsmeadows House, and what mark did its residents make on their world?  More than you might think!

In her previous talk, Sandra Whitnell explored the late Sir John Hay’s large well connected family of soldiers, sailors, businessmen and bankers. This time, she looks at some of the residents of Kingsmeadows House from the end of the Victorian Era into the 20th century. Expect happy days, war worries, and a taste of scandal!

Sandra Whitnell facilitates the U3A local history group. She is the U3A’s national subject advisor for local history, advising over 300 groups.

She writes fiction and non-fiction including a book about the Tontine, and runs online writing groups.

Currently, Sandra is writing a book about Kingsmeadows, and a series of short stories inspired by Peebles Poorhouse.