Membership of The Tweeddale Society is open to all and represents the best and most cost-effective way to enjoy our talks.
You can become a Member of The Tweeddale Society by paying an annual subscription of £30, in exchange for which you will receive a number of benefits, including:
- tickets for all the talks in the main autumn/winter series;
- a significant saving compared to single ticket prices;
- newsletters with information about talks, plans for future seasons and other forthcoming events;
- the right to attend the Society’s Annual General Meeting to express opinions, vote on matters raised and elect, or stand for election to, the Society’s Committee;
and you will be supporting the provision of high-quality talks in Tweeddale and helping to ensure its continuation in the future.
Details of our upcoming season are circulated to existing members each Summer. New membership applications are welcome at any time.
Following receipt of your subscription, the Membership Secretary will pass your Membership Card to the Eastgate Theatre Box Office. You will receive it, along with complimentary tickets, when you choose seats for the talks you expect to attend.
Non-members may buy tickets for any talk for £12 from the Eastgate Box Office 01721 725 777 The cost of one ticket can be credited against the annual subscription if you subsequently decide to join the Society.
For further information, and all membership enquiries, please contact:
Linda Haldane
Membership Secretary
Telephone: 01721 740306
To apply for membership, please download an application form.