Traditional Worldwide Music
Music by the Celtic Beat group of Nomad Beat
Followed by Tweeddale Society AGM (members only)
Tuesday, 10th March 2020
Eastgate Theatre, Peebles, 7.30 p.m.
Celtic Beat is Nomad Beat’s traditional music group of mixed instruments and ages who play tunes from Scotland, Ireland, Cape Breton and Nova Scotia amongst others.
Music can touch and change the lives of people and this was just one aspect of the vision of the late Alison Cameron, whose passion led to the creation of Nomad Beat.
We opened our doors in January 2010 and since then, Nomad Beat has established itself as a thriving community music school based in Peebles.
We provide music tuition to people of all ages and abilities across a variety of instruments. We also run regular music groups, hire out instruments and equipment and provide rehearsal space for local bands and musicians.
Our ambition is simple. Nomad Beat strives to offer accessible music making and tuition to everyone who wants it and to benefit members of our local community, especially those directly affected by poverty, ill-health and social isolation.