Royal and Ancient Peebles – a journey through the mists of time

Ronald Ireland

Tuesday, 8th November 2022

Eastgate Theatre, Peebles, 7.30 p.m.

The life of Peebles over the centuries mirrors the life and development of other Scottish burghs. As one of the original Royal Burghs of Scotland, its story reflects the life and times of Scotland itself, particularly in the medieval period, when it had a significant role as a place of religious pilgrimage and featured strongly in the reigns of the Stewart monarchs, who were frequent visitors.

In this talk, Ronald Ireland will  explore aspects of the long history of Peebles since Roman times, based on his book Royal and Ancient Peebles, published in November 2021, under his own imprint, The Loaningwood Press. Unlike the several histories which have gone before, which have focused almost exclusively on the local scene, Ronald has told its story with a broader canvas, setting its life in the context of contemporary events in Scotland.

Ronald Ireland has lived in Peebles since 1963. He retired in 1997 after a career as a Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor.

He is a former chairman of Peebles Civic Society and  a member of The Guildry Corporation of Peebles.

In 2010, Ronald’s previous book, The Bloody Covenant, was published by the History Press.