Secret Tweeddale
Liz Hanson
Author & photographer
Tuesday, 11th February 2020
Eastgate Theatre, Peebles, 7.30 p.m.
Liz Hanson writes:
“Following the publication of ‘Secret Peebles’ in 2017, it was suggested that I could widen the theme and compile a ‘Secret Tweeddale’ talk for The Tweeddale Society.
I have lived in The Borders for 40 years, much of which has been in Peeblesshire; over the years, my interest in photography, together with a naturally – enquiring mind, has led me to explore the lesser-known corners of the county. The journey downstream from the upper reaches of the river to the boundary near Elibank will include some of the tributary valleys and cover both historic and natural features as well as a few oddities. I hope to illustrate some ‘hidden’ locations as well as the beauty of the area”.
Liz moved to Edinburgh from her hometown of Kidderminster in 1969. She worked there as a technician in medical microbiology, followed by 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to redundancy in the late 1980s, Liz decided to start a card business utilising her hobby of photography to portray Borders landscapes, an area that was under-represented at that time. She still runs this but has latterly diversified into books.